April 18, 2020

Luke, writing to Theophilus in Acts 1, is summarizing his “first book”, what we now know as the Gospel of Luke.  His words are like a literary hook, detailing what has come before then previewing what is to come after.

  • Jesus ordered his followers not to depart from Jerusalem and to wait for the promise of the Father, in Acts 1:4.
  • Refer to John 14:  16-17 to find out what the promise of the Father is.

Acts 1:1-5

The Promise of the Holy Spirit

1 In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach, until the day when he was taken up, after he had given commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen. He presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God.

And while staying with them he ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, “you heard from me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

Take note of the number 40 in verse 3. In the Bible, forty is used to designate important time periods, such as during the flood when it rained for forty days and forty nights, when the Israelites wandered the wilderness for 40 years, when Jesus fasted in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights, or in this passage forty days being the period from the Resurrection to the Ascension.  It can sometimes mean a period of testing, trial or probation. The duration of Harris County’s Stay at Home/Work Safe Order and the currently scheduled re-opening date for school falls within a forty day period. How has this been either an important time period, or a period of testing in your life?

17 thoughts on “Acts 1:1-5

  1. For me these 40 days have been a search for truth and realign myself to True North. The enemy is cunning and uses half-truths and bold lies to scare, distract, derail and inhibit our relationship with God through Jesus.

    40 days to focus on God as our Ultimate Truth. That His word is always true. He is our rock. He is our salvation.

  2. This has been a time of glorious spiritual growth, a time of reflection on God’s purpose for my life, and what that means to every breath I take. The days are sprinkled with laughter and creativity, imagination and seeking deeper the heart of God. I wouldn’t trade these days for anything earth has to offer.

    1. So glad you put that into words! I’ve felt the laughter and creativity sneaking up on me as well.

  3. Forty days of fasting with Lent…and this all began around that time.

    God has brought me closer to Him!

    Through fellowship and strengthening many relationships, especially within my family. Even with work, I am finally able to process to a level of retention with a little less busyness.

    God has allowed me to notice who and what should be priorities/prioritized. He is empowering me to be who He says I am!

    I saw the Footprints poster recently. This is a time where my Father has stroked my hair and put me down, so I can walk with Him while holding His hand❤

    I love Him soooooo much!

    Thank you Abba Father

  4. Ecclesiastes 3 says, “To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.” To me, this 40-day shutdown is season to pause, reflect, and reset. This is a time to draw closer to our Creator and to reflect on what really matters in life. I believe that God is giving us a reminder that apart from Him we can do nothing, that we are helpless.

  5. Amazed at how God works and shows us how he is in control, Gives me a sense of peace just thinking about the number 40 and how he protects his children. I pray that everyone is claiming the blood of Jesus over their homes and families.

  6. It’s been an important time period of reflection on how I normally spend my time, and how I should spend my time in the future. I believe I will be making changes to the things I devote more, and less time to, as well as how I will use technology in the future, to reach more people, more often, whether by phone or video. I need to be intentional to invest time to stay more connected with more people.

  7. Jesus let them know he would go back to Heaven, but he also gave them comfort by promising the Holy Spirit soon.

  8. I feel like God has prepared me for this very moment because I’m not afraid. I am trusting His timing and submerging fully in Him. Not going to lie though, it hasn’t been easy. I still have a lot to learn and I’m doing my best and when thoughts that I’m not enough begin to creep in my head, I start praying scripture.

  9. This time period has been a challenge since I teach school. Its made me get closer to God. My anxiety has been very high; so its m are me get closer. It’s made me pray more.

  10. I feel the same as many of the others who have commented here. This time has been precious and allowed me to focus on God and drawing closer to Him. Also, spending more time with my husband and kids having spiritual discussions that I pray are having an impact on our young boys.

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