A New “Who is Jesus” Devotional Plan Begins January 6, 2025.

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Who is Jesus?


In the final chapter of the Gospel of John, a profound conversation between Jesus and Peter is recounted after the resurrection. Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves Him, reflecting the three previous denials (John 18:15-27).


Day Twenty-One | Who is Jesus?

In the final chapter of the Gospel of John, a profound conversation between Jesus and Peter is recounted after the resurrection. Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves Him, reflecting the three previous denials (John 18:15-27).


Day Twenty | Who is Jesus?

Overwhelmed. Disappointed. Discouraged. Fearful. Perplexed. Downcast. Lost. The disciples and followers of Jesus hit rock bottom. There seemed to be no hope, no future. Until…


Day Nineteen | Who is Jesus?

Jesus asked hundreds of questions during his earthly ministry. One of his most well-known was to the disciples when they traveled to Caesarea Phillippi. There, surrounded by idol worship of all kinds, Jesus asked, “Who do people say that I am? (Matt. 16:13). He quickly follows it up with another question directed to each of…


Day Eighteen | Who is Jesus?

Jesus asked hundreds of questions during his earthly ministry. One of his most well-known was to the disciples when they traveled to Caesarea Phillippi. There, surrounded by idol worship of all kinds, Jesus asked, “Who do people say that I am? (Matt. 16:13). He quickly follows it up with another question directed to each of…


Day Seventeen | Who is Jesus?

The chapters prior contain some of Jesus’ final words with His disciples. He is prepared, ready, and headed confidently to the cross, having completed the work the Father gave Him to do. Now, He is preparing His disciples to continue His mission, and He ends this time with them by praying to His Father in…


Day Sixteen | Who is Jesus?

This is the final passage in John’s Gospel where we find Jesus teaching His disciples. Jesus reveals that while His time on earth will be ending soon, the disciples will not be left to navigate life’s concerns without His support. He tells them that He is sending a Helper. A Helper who will guide them…


Day Fifteen | Who is Jesus?

The first half of John 15 makes our lifelong assignment clear: we are to bear fruit. Regardless of your age, stage of life, location, status, or title, your assignment remains the same: bear fruit.


Day Fourteen | Who is Jesus?

You don’t have to live trapped in constant worry, burdened and overwhelmed. Worry is a habit, and like any habit, it can be unlearned. It’s time to take the first step toward freedom!
That first step is recognizing that God is in control. When Jesus told His disciples that His time on earth was ending,…


Day Thirteen | Who is Jesus?

“And He loved them to the end.” 

This love in the original Greek language is not like the love that we know or often think of. This love is agape love. It is an unconditional, sacrificial love that implies fidelity and commitment… until the end.

Fidelity and commitment were not evident in the lives of Judas and…


Holy Week 2024

Day Eight | Holy Week 2024

I’ve always been fascinated by names and try my best to remember, spell, and pronounce them correctly. A name is someone’s identity. You can’t help but think that when parents give their baby a name, there’s intent and motive behind it; in some ways naming a child is, dare I say, a form of prophecy,…


Day Seven | Holy Week 2024

What’s interesting about this passage is that the Pharisees were so eager to get rid of Jesus, yet they remembered exactly what he said. In fact, they remembered the words of Jesus better than his own disciples. While Peter and John and all the disciples fled, the Pharisees—the very ones who mocked Jesus and contended…


Day Six | Holy Week 2024

Tetelestai – It. Is. Finished. Today marks the darkest day in human history. Just days ago, we experienced a parade of shouts for “Hosanna in the highest!” Now, those same people have condemned “Hosanna in the Highest” to the cross.


Day Five | Holy Week 2024

No one exits earth unscathed. Disappointment deflates. Rejection wounds. Betrayal blindsides. Insecurity taunts. Fear binds. Anxiety paralyzes. Health declines. Treatments fail. Limits linger. Injuries sideline. Aging thieves. Death destroys. Marriages crumble. Babies die. Children wander. Finances fail. Losses mount. Hope fades.


Day Four | Holy Week 2024

Mary’s gesture was costly. Matthew leaves little room to doubt this as he describes the jar as an “alabaster flask of very expensive ointment.” (v.7). John tells us that the perfume was not only expensive but worth a year’s wages (John 12:5, NIV). Were her actions wasteful? In the moment, I might have thought so….


Day Three | Holy Week 2024

As we have seen over the last two days, the names and titles of Jesus are deeply important and intimately tied to his identity. He made this identity manifestly known by word and deed during the week leading up to his death and resurrection. Today’s name is no exception, but one could argue that it…


Day Two | Holy Week 2024

The next event that Matthew records in his gospel after Jesus’ triumphal entry is the cleansing of the temple. Following the humble ride on the foal of a donkey, we read about our Lord’s righteous acts of indignation in response to the disdain and disrespect of the religious elite regarding the temple.


Day One | Holy Week 2024

In Matthew 21:1-11, we witness a pivotal moment in Jesus Christ’s ministry as he enters Jerusalem, riding on a donkey, amidst cheers of “Hosanna to the Son of David!” The crowd lays down cloaks and palm branches, recognizing Jesus as their King. This event fulfills the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9, which declares, “Rejoice greatly, Daughter…


The Book of Acts (January 8 – February 4, 2024)

Day Twenty-Eight | The Book of Acts

Yesterday we read about the beginning of Paul’s final journey to Rome and the challenges he, along with others, faced while at sea. Today we see what happens when his ship runs aground in Malta, and then sets sail for Rome. Once Paul gets to Rome, he is placed under house arrest and does what…


Day Twenty-Seven | The Book of Acts

When you read this passage, you probably wouldn’t label this as one of Paul’s “favorite day” in ministry. For years, he had been longing to go to Rome to establish a home base for the Church. In this chapter, we see the sovereignty of God on display. Luke gives us a detailed account of Paul’s…


Day Twenty-Six | The Book of Acts

Paul’s life serves as an example of bold and unwavering faith in the face of hardships and criticisms for the sake of the gospel. In Acts 26, he fearlessly proclaims the gospel, holding nothing back. What stands out the most to me is the simplicity with which Paul delivers his testimony, plainly sharing what his…


Day Twenty-Five | The Book of Acts

What a great example we see today of boldness in proclaiming Christ in the midst of adversity! In Acts 25, the apostle Paul finds himself standing before the Roman governor, Festus, and King Agrippa, facing false accusations and unjust trials. The main point of this passage revolves around Paul’s unwavering faith in God’s purpose despite…


Day Twenty-Four | The Book of Acts

Imagine 40 angry men are prepared to kill you. They’ve taken an oath to neither eat nor drink until you are dead because a group of religious people made false accusations against you.


Day Twenty-Three | The Book of Acts

The truth about Jesus always has and always will enrage God’s enemies and divide people, just as Jesus warned when he dispersed his disciples as “sheep in the midst of wolves” (Mattew 10:16 ESV). He predicted persecution and hatred, like Paul faced in Acts 23, because he did “not come to bring peace, but a…


Day Twenty-Two | The Book of Acts

Miracles, strengthened disciples, and enraged Jews followed Paul to Jerusalem. When the latter violently opposed him, God advanced Paul’s appointed assignment to witness Jesus to everyone (Acts 22:10, 15 ESV). We can expect God to be equally faithful to us when adversaries reject the gospel and the inerrant truth of God’s Word. It may be…


Day Twenty-One | The Book of Acts

It’s easy to get lost trying to keep track of where Paul is, who he’s with, and where he’s headed next. It reminds me of college students on a road trip who have a destination in mind (a famous baseball stadium, best hot dog stand, placing a foot on the border of Canada & USA,…


Day Twenty | The Book of Acts

In Acts 20, we gain several personal insights into the life of the Apostle Paul and his ministry, but there are two specific things that jump out in this text. First, we see Paul’s tender care for the churches he visited as he concludes this third missionary journey. We see his sadness as he bids…


Day Nineteen | The Book of Acts

Acts 19 begins at the beginning of Paul’s third missionary journey as he is traveling through Ephesus. Think about what happens here, these Christians put their hope in John’s baptism. Sometimes, we too put our hope in church, in the things we do, or even in other people like the Christians in Ephesus did. The…


Most Recent Devotionals


In the final chapter of the Gospel of John, a profound conversation between Jesus and Peter is recounted after the resurrection. Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves Him, reflecting the three previous denials (John 18:15-27).

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Day Twenty-One | Who is Jesus?

In the final chapter of the Gospel of John, a profound conversation between Jesus and Peter is recounted after the resurrection. Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves Him, reflecting the three previous denials (John 18:15-27).

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The Essential Jesus (January – April 2022)

The Essential Jesus-Day 100

Thank you for joining us on this 100-day journey through the Bible. We’re at the finish line! Now that we’re through day 100, we’ll be pushing pause on daily emails from CFBC, but we highly encourage you to ask the Lord where he wants you to go next in His Word. Should we begin a…

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The Essential Jesus-Day 99

Thank you for joining us on this 100-day journey through the Bible. We’re almost to the finish line! Once we get through day 100, we’ll be pushing pause on daily emails from CFBC, but we highly encourage you to ask the Lord where he wants you to go next in His Word. Should we begin…

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Proverbs (June 2020)

Navigating Your New Normal

Navigating Your New Normal: Day 6

May 17, 2020 In Nehemiah 12 and 13 we see the climax of the narrative which begins in the book of Ezra. In chapter 12 the names of the Levites who had returned from exile are listed, and the author describes the dedication of the newly completed wall. It is a scene of rejoicing and…

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Navigating Your New Normal: Day 5

May 16, 2020 These two chapters of the book of Nehemiah can seem like one big list of names, places, and laws which don’t have much relevance to us today. However, if we dig a little deeper to see what the author of the book is trying to communicate through these things, we see that…

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Rhythm (21 Days of Prayer)


May 10, 2020 In this psalm David expresses a broad range of emotions to the LORD: he celebrates God’s deliverance, praises God for his…

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May 9, 2020 Psalm 38 is a psalm of confession, repentance, and petition. David describes the sorrow, pain, and suffering he is experiencing as…

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May 8, 2020 Love is one of the most misused and misunderstood words in the English language. For some it means some kind of…

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Holy Week (April 2020)

John 12:37-50

April 7, 2020 We’ve just finished up reading through the Gospel according to Mark. Now, we’re going to walk through the events of the Passion…

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John 13:1-20

April 8, 2020 We’re going to jump ahead and get a glimpse into a scene from Thursday of the Passion Week. In the Gospel…

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Mark (March 2020)

Mark Chapter 1

Day 1: March 22, 2020 Mark’s gospel begins with an action-packed sequence of events! In only 13 verses the narrative moves from the ministry…

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Mark Chapter 2

Day 2: March 23, 2020 In this passage, we see: Jesus moving to forgive sins and heal in response to faith (v.1-12)Eating with the…

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Luke (December 2019)