Go. Love. Serve. Pray. Give.

We exist to follow God as He transforms lives here in Houston and across the world with His good news. We invite you to join us by asking God how your time, talents, and resources fit into His redemption plan for the nations!
CFBC accomplishes local missions by partnering with several frontline ministry organizations. From helping the homeless to ministering to refugees and victims of human trafficking and everything in between, we sense the call of God on each of us to bring redemption to all of the lost and marginalized in our hometown. Pray for these faithful servants on the frontlines, and ask us how you can join them!
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The Lord has called us to go to the furthest reaches of the world, and by partnering with these missionaries all over the country and all over the globe, God is able to multiply our time, talents and resources to do just that. You can go further by praying for them, giving to them, or going to them – ask us how!
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God has blessed us to be able to play a vital role in several new churches. Read below to see how you can pray for and encourage these church planters and their families.
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Because of the generosity of the people of Champion Forest, our missions efforts are going further and making a deeper impact than ever before. Click below to read about some of what we are seeing God do.
ACTS 1:8
ACTS 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.