Worship Ministries

Our vision is to develop worshippers who impact the world around them.

We believe worship is a lifestyle response to a holy, omnipotent God. The act of praise is declaring what God has done, is doing, and will do. Worship declares who God is. We have an awesome responsibility: we are more than just musicians—we are worship leaders. As worship leaders, our worship expression encourages the congregation to open their hearts to God and enter into a posture of worship. Scripture commands those who love the Lord to worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24). The psalmist points out the power in corporate worship (Psalm 95). When God’s people begin to worship, he inhabits those praises and gives strength (Psalm 22:3)!

We express our worship at Champion Forest through ministries like Adult Choir, Orchestra, Bands, and World of Worship (WoW). If you would like more information about how to be a part of Champion Forest Worship, please contact us at worship@championforest.org or call 281-586-8742. Follow the links below for more info.