Today I’m excited to interview CF Connect partner Aaron Sanders. Aaron Sanders serves as the lead pastor of Coastal Community Church in Galveston, Texas. He holds a Master’s degree in Christian Leadership from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and a Bachelor’s degree from Louisianan State University. He and his wife, Holly, have three children and are actively involved in their local community.

Tell us about your current ministry context.

Aaron Sanders: Coastal Community Church was launched in 2012 and is located in Galveston, TX.  Over the past decade, the church has grown rapidly and has made a huge impact on the island.  We reach a diverse group of people that includes college students, young families, small business owners, and empty nesters who have retired and moved to the beach.

What is the greatest challenge you face as a church right now?

Aaron Sanders: The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.  We need to continue to develop mature disciples who will make other disciples and who will generously support Coastal’s ministry financially.  

What is one piece of advice you would offer new church planters?

Aaron Sanders: You’re important, but you’re not that important.  God can accomplish whatever he wants to accomplish, even when you’re at home spending time with your family or on vacation with your wife.  Trust that even though you planted the church, it’s HIS CHURCH.

How is your family doing?

Aaron Sanders: We’re in a great season of life right now.  My wife Holly is leading our Youth Ministry on staff and is excelling.  All three kids love Jesus and we’re healthier than we’ve ever been.  We’re super busy, but it’s a good, fun busy.

What is God teaching you in this season?

Aaron Sanders: I continue to be reminded of God’s faithfulness and provision, even when resources are scarce.

How can Champion Forest pray for you?

Aaron Sanders: I have three requests. (1) Pray that God leads us to the right man to be Coastal’s next Worship Pastor, (2)  Pray for the hundreds of new people who have come to Coastal over the past year to fully assimilate into the church and grow spiritually, and (3) Pray as we prepare to officially launch Coastal en Espanol within the next six months.

CF Connect exists to encourage and support pastors and church planters doing the work of ministry. God continues to accomplish incredible things through faithful CF Connect partners.