Adult Choir

In a day when the arts are flourishing in the church, some are questioning the relevance of church choirs. Many churches have done away with choir. One of the most powerful and penetrating experiences of the arts is found in the dynamic of hundreds of voices lifted in passionate worship. It is pleasing to God... fulfilling to the worshipper and compelling to the seeker.

At Champion Forest, we never pray for great voices... we ask for lovers of song. Hearts make the best music. If you are college age and above, you are welcome to join this community of worshippers. Our rehearsal schedule is flexible and creative in style.

We worship, work, laugh, cry and grow week by week. There are no auditions and no one is ever turned away.

Out of the choir, we select Praise Team members who lead worship with or without the choir. These teams are composed of choir members who audition and are chosen to serve for a term. Their music skills are more advanced and they require more rehearsal time.

Practice Times
We meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:15pm.